
Letters: Reengaging with Iran

Re “Charmed, but only to a point,” Opinion, Sept. 29

Washington may not be on the verge of a major breakthrough in its tortured relationship with Tehran. But I strongly agree with Doyle McManus that something big is taking place in Tehran since the election of Hassan Rouhani as president.

How many of us anticipated that he would send a letter to the Jewish community in recognition of the high holidays? This new dynamic has, as was the case with Mikhail Gorbachev in the ex-Soviet Union, shaken the cage of the new Cold Warriors and Israel. “Don’t let them suck you in,” they warn.

I drive by the old Iranian embassy on a regular basis; it is shuttered and in drastic need of a paint job. I predict that some time in the future, not far from now, the old digs will come alive again, and in the bargain, get a well-deserved face lift.


John Starrels

Chevy Chase, Md.


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