
Letters: LAX redesign comes up short

Re “Amenities fall short at Bradley,” Business, Sept. 30

As a frequent international traveler, I am absolutely appalled with this idea of bombarding people who are under a lot of stress with these huge LED screens at LAX’s renovated Tom Bradley international terminal.

I can only suspect that LAX’s managers don’t travel much, given a spokeswoman’s comment that the giant screens give waiting travelers hours of entertainment. What travelers really want to do is talk to their companions, read a book or use their electronic devices. They do not need to be bombarded by entertainment they didn’t choose.

Frequent travelers appreciate an attractive, comfortable, calming environment. The only necessary screens are ones that indicate flight information. A few TVs tuned into news channels may please some travelers, but please, no giant flickering images.


Elke Heitmeyer

Sherman Oaks

As I read about LAX’s failure to improve the Wi-Fi experience at its new international terminal and write this message, I am at Detroit’s airport waiting for a flight. The Times reads well on my device.

Why does LAX always seem to not meet expectations? It’s an embarrassing shame.

Juan Matute



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