
Letters: This unnecessary government shutdown

People stand in front of the White House on Monday evening, a few hours before the much of the federal government shut down midnight Tuesday.
People stand in front of the White House on Monday evening, a few hours before the much of the federal government shut down midnight Tuesday.
(Mark Wilson / Getty Images)

Re “Congress fails to stop shutdown,” Oct. 1

A sect of the Republican Party has again flexed its political muscle and effectively shut down the government because it doesn’t feel it necessary for those without healthcare insurance now to be able to obtain it.

This group has been unwilling to work with President Obama since he has been in office — if he says yes, they vote no; if he says up, they vote down. These lawmakers’ concern has never been about what’s right for the nation, but only about how to thwart the president whenever possible.

Once again, the lesson is that politics and ignorance don’t mix. Perhaps this time the voters are paying attention.


Doris K. Reed

Los Angeles

Leave it to the Republicans to shut down government because they don’t think millions of uninsured people should be covered by health insurance. We pride ourselves on being the best country in the world. Surely the “best country in the world” can provide health insurance to its people.

Maybe members of Congress should take a reduction in their salaries to help everyone out. They should have to pay some penalty for this blackmail.

I hope Obama stands strong on this. No party should be able to hold the country hostage. I hope the Republicans pay dearly for this come election time.


Irene Tritel

Palm Springs

Hundreds of thousands of federal government employees are now furloughed as a result of the government shutdown facilitated by the Republican-controlled House. As a result, these workers and their families will be facing tough financial choices.

In 2011, the average net worth of a GOP House member was nearly $8 million. Republicans in the House have the resources to withstand any government shutdown. The same cannot be said of other government employees.

I’ve got a great idea to ameliorate this suffering: Let the Republicans pay the wages of all furloughed workers.


Thomas Subia

Rancho Palos Verdes

Congress holds the purse strings. Whether the president signs a budget or vetoes it is his choice. But the president doesn’t “make” the laws; Congress does.

In 2012, the nation reelected Obama, kept the Senate in the hands of the Democrats and left the House firmly in the hands of Republicans. I think what the nation was saying to the leaders is simple: Here’s the hand you’ve been dealt, now do the best you can and compromise.

Back when this happened under Bill Clinton, he vetoed what Congress had sent him. But thanks to the media, voters blamed Republican leaders Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole, even though they did their job and gave the president a budget.

There’s a reason the Constitution doesn’t allow one person to decide what budget the country should live on.

Kevin Lee Smith

San Pedro

Whatever happens, the Affordable Care Act will be implemented. The Democratic-controlled Senate and the president are clearly not going to yield on this issue.

Funding any law is implicit in its passage. Republican attempts to defund Obamacare, delay it for a year or make it ineffective are pathetic attempts to reverse a law of the land. Tying their objections on this law to the budget or the debt ceiling is extremely irresponsible and completely indefensible.


Shame on these poor examples of lawmakers. Maybe we should think about removing from office those who have no qualms about bringing down our government and our entire economy just to get their way.

Gertrude Barden

Porter Ranch

Conservative House Republicans have managed to shut down much of our government because they disagree with the provisions of a law passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the president and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Doesn’t this violate their oath of office, to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”?

Lawrence Dietz

Santa Monica


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