
Letters to the Editor: Letter writer who opted out of the march would have seen a unified front against harassment

Protesters, part of a 500,000 strong crowd, during this year's Women's March on the one-year anniversary of the first march, in Los Angeles on Jan. 20,
(Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images)

Re: “Conservative women feel unwelcome at march”: I was surprised by Juli Hayden’s letter because some of her comments were so ironic and her inaction showed a lack of conviction. Hayden claims that she has been sexually harassed and yet, ironically, she says she supports President Trump, who has been recorded admitting to abusing women, accused of sexual harassment by numerous women and who recently supported an Alabama Senate candidate who, accusers say, made unwanted advances toward them when they were teenagers.

It is hard for me to get past the irony and believe that Hayden is taking her position on sexual harassment seriously. I attended the Women’s March with my husband, daughter and granddaughter. There is no denying that there were anti-Trump signs, many related to sexual harassment.

However, among the many, many issues stated on signs, signs in general support of women’s rights and against sexual harassment and abuse were the vast majority. Hayden’s inaction to attend the march indicates a lack of conviction on opposing sexual harassment. With less contradictory support of Trump, and more conviction opposing sexual harassment, Hayden could have safely added her voice to the sexual harassment issue at the Women’s March.


Margaret Mooney

Costa Mesa

Newport unlikely to oppose sources of global warming

Re: “Commentary: Newport Beach should work to prevent, as well as prepare for, rising sea levels”: Politicians like to play their cards right. They don’t typically lead constituents until popular sentiment supports them for fear of being laughed out of office, even in the face of certain disaster. The only way the Newport Beach City Council will support carbon pricing to reduce the worst effects of the greenhouse effect is if the public pressures it to do so.

Pam Brennan

Newport Beach

405 widening project will help

Re: “400 celebrate groundbreaking for 405 Freeway expansion project”: If the express lanes draw some traffic away from the free lanes, drivers using the latter obviously will benefit as well.

Craig Lesly


H.B. assemblyman postures on immigration

Political grandstanding is something to be expected of gubernatorial candidates, as state Assemblyman Travis Allen’s pugnacious posturing about immigration reveals. However, these remarks are more appropriate for Southern states than for Southern California.

It is frankly embarrassing to have someone representing any part of my hometown to fulminate so ferociously about issues he clearly knows little about and that affect many folks in his district. It is clear that he is kowtowing to the right-wing base of his party and cares more about agreeing with President Trump than he does about caring for his constituents. I might be more concerned by his antics, but even Republicans know that the GOP has zero chance of reclaiming the statehouse in November. Party on, Travis!

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

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