
Letters to the Editor: Peers mistreated Fountain Valley councilman before his resignation

The bullies win, and the residents of Fountain Valley take another damaging hit and tremendous loss in losing Mark McCurdy as our trusted voice and advocate on the Fountain Valley City Council (“Fountain Valley council members say they’re unsurprised by ‘disengaged’ Mark McCurdy’s resignation”).

I have not spoken to McCurdy, but I truly believe that he took the high road with a stated, politically correct reason for resigning from the City Council to seek employment outside the area. I believe the truth is McCurdy could no longer tolerate what seemed liked a constant barrage of criticism, bullying, shaming and unwarranted, unprofessional public displays of lack of respect from the majority of our City Council members.

Certain council members, in a seemingly obsessive and bizarre and gratifying sort of way, seemed to take great satisfaction and pleasure in attacking and bullying McCurdy at any given public gathering without shame. Probably the best example was making sure that McCurdy would never again become mayor.


The representation by the contemptible Fountain Valley City Council members is an all-time low in the history of our city. You can understand why a lot of Fountain Valley residents who voted for McCurdy are not feeling very Fountain Valley proud.

Leston Trueblood

Fountain Valley

Low-rise, low-impact development is better

Re. “Newport Beach General Plan favors growth in the airport zone, not citywide”: Scott Schubert has either not looked at the specifics of the Koll Residences or is being deliberately obtuse when he misinterprets the factual existence of “floating” dwelling units for a mythical desire on my part to shower other parts of the city with new development. The City Council has 2,200 “floating” dwelling units for the airport area that they can assign to any property they wish, but only in the airport area. If the high-rise, high-density Koll Residences aren’t built, those 260 units will reenter the “floating” pool for reassignment. Wouldn’t it be nice if our City Council decided to allow low-rise, low-impact dwelling units instead?

Lynn Swain

Newport Beach

Conservative women feel unwelcome at march

The Women’s March seems hypocritical because it does not include all women. Certain woman are not included, and that would be conservative women and/or women who support the current administration. This march implies you either think one way (against this administration) or don’t show up.

This march is a perfect example of group think, which is popular in socialist or communist countries. I am a conservative woman, I support this administration, I have been sexually harassed in the workplace while my abuser was promoted, and I have been discriminated against, so I share some concerns with these women.

The Women’s March, however, began with celebrities spewing vile hatred and violence toward the president, his family and men, making such a march uncomfortable for millions of women. Let’s just be honest with what the Women’s March is all about: protests against the president and his administration, period.

Juli Hayden

Daily Pilot appears to be against the president

The Daily Pilot is anti-Trump! Well, if you voted for Hillary Clinton you are all accomplices! Honor and respect the president we have. You don’t have to like someone to respect the job one is doing. Move on, losers, and figure out what you can come up with in seven years.

Beverly Jones

Corona del Mar

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