
Letters: Cheap shots at LAUSD don’t help

Re “L.A. facing grim future, panel says,” Jan. 9

Although a panel of civic leaders, which didn’t include any representatives from the L.A. Unified School District, sharply criticized LAUSD, it won’t be offering any recommendations on public schools.

Why? As one of the major authors stated: “I’m not sure I’m qualified or anyone is qualified on this commission to really get into that.”

Then why take pot shots when you aren’t going to offer suggestions?

People who haven’t worked in education have no standing when criticizing schools. After 31 years working for LAUSD, it is more than tiresome to listen to people who have no clue what teachers go through in their efforts to serve students.


Monica Studer

Los Angeles

There were two sharply contrasting lead stories in Thursday’s Times. On the front page was an article about a recently released report by the Los Angeles 2020 Commission, which predicted that L.A. is in the process of a serious economic decline because of poverty and a crisis of leadership.

Meanwhile, on the front of the Business section, there was an article on South Korean businessman Yang-Ho Cho, representing the Hanjin Group, which is investing $1 billion in the construction of a 73-story residential and retail building in downtown L.A. He expects the economy to improve by the time the building is finished.

I suppose only time will tell, but at this point, it sounds like the height of foolishness.


Marcia Goodman

Long Beach


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