
Letters: Air quality fight is ongoing

Re “L.A. sues to keep oil field near USC closed,” Jan. 8

The South Coast Air Quality Management District is not at odds with the city of Los Angeles or any other agency over the Allenco Energy Inc. oil facility. Rather, we are on the same path, working to ensure that Allenco does not reopen until it meets all applicable environmental regulations and no longer poses any potential hazard or nuisance to nearby residents.

It was the SCAQMD staff that originally brought this matter to the attention of the L.A. city attorney’s office. We have personally met with the office’s staff, briefed them on our inspections and enforcement actions, and shared our files.

The SCAQMD also is seeking to leverage the assistance of multiple agencies to ensure the health of residents living near the oil well. We made the initial request to the county’s Department of Public Health to conduct a study of potential health effects on nearby residents.


This facility and the community surrounding it continue to be a top priority for the SCAQMD. If the Allenco facility is to reopen, it must make substantive physical improvements to prevent foul odors and any resulting ill effects on residents.

Barry R. Wallerstein

Diamond Bar

The writer is the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s executive officer.


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