
Diversity Is Good Business

Are Korean merchants hostile toward blacks? We, the Tri-Counties African-American Chamber of Commerce (TAACC) hope not. During this period of high unemployment, few businesses can afford to discriminate against patrons based on race. Every entrepreneur in Ventura County knows the expense of running a small business. Would any business risk the loss of good will by treating its customers with disrespect?

We, TAACC, would like to offer the following recommendation to the business community. Oxnard is a diverse community with high unemployment among our youth. Go to the high schools, colleges and employment offices and hire part-time help. Hire someone of a different race or culture who shows potential to succeed in your business. Thus, your business productivity will increase as you gain a friend. Most of all you will open communication within your community. Our community.

Let us strive to build on the multicultural diversity our city needs to survive our current economic times. Most of all, let us show respect, dignity and sensitivity to everyone regardless of race or ethnic background. It’s fair, practical and makes good business sense.



Vice president

Tri-Counties African-American Chamber of Commerce

