Bombs destroy buildings along the Tigris River. March 20, 2003
A plume of smoke rises from several buildings targeted in intensified bombing strikes. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
Bombs strike government buildings along the Tigris River in central Baghdad, where at least two of Saddam Hussein’s presidential palaces are located. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
The Kadamia Shrine was closed, leaving the faithful to pray at the doors as war started. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
Plain-clothed security guards took positions outside the Ministry of Information building, which houses the international press corps. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
Customers look over the few items for sale at a sidewalk stand. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
A few sidewalk stands sold staples such as eggs and yogurt, but most stores in Baghdad were closed on the day President Bush declared war. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
Men walk along deserted streets in downtown Baghdad on the day the war began. Most all shops were closed throughout the city. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)