
Lanai Four Seasons hotels open a private lounge at Honolulu airport

The Four Seasons resorts on Lanai have opened their own lounge at Honolulu International Airport.

The move, a first in Hawaii and a rarity in airports anywhere, gives Lanai-bound Four Seasons guests a 1,000-square-foot haven during the lull between flights. (Lanai gets no direct flights from the mainland.)

The new lounge opened Feb. 7 in the airport’s Commuter Terminal. It includes food, beverages, iPad and Wi-Fi access, charging stations, luggage storage, fancy televisions, newspaper, magazines and a concierge who can help with check-in chores, restaurant reservations and other details. So far, the space is limited to Lanai Four Seasons guests, not guests from the Four Seasons properties on Maui and the Big Island.


A key factor in the setup is the sleepy, company-town nature of Lanai. There are just two major hotels on the island and Four Seasons operates both — the coast-hugging Four Seasons Lanai at Manele Bay and the up-country Lodge at Koele. Since 2012, the owner of both hotels — and 98% of the island — has been Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle.

Flights between Honolulu and Lanai last about 25 minutes. On Feb. 11, Island Air announced a fare sale (through Feb. 17), dropping prices as low as $59 each way for Honolulu-Lanai flights before April 17.
