Advertisement is for when your sightseeing time is limited

Here’s a website that can help when you’re hot to travel but short on time.

Name: 12HRS


What it does: Provides 12-hour itineraries for travelers who are fond of great discoveries and love design, music and fashion. Available for 13 destinations in Europe and North America, including Berlin; Copenhagen; Paris; Vancouver, Canada; San Francisco; Portland, Ore.; and more.

What’s hot: The giant magazine-quality photos are beguiling, but make sure you read the text. If you delve deeper, you’ll find experience-driven travel tips that hit the mark for romantic hipsters as well as practical travelers. Unlike most time-based travel itineraries, these are paced correctly. You might be tired at the end of the day, but you’ll have visited heaps of brag-worthy hot spots that may or may not be in the guidebooks.


What’s not: Sometimes 12 hours are not enough. Additional content on a city, for example, might have its own page. Make sure you scroll all the way past the map to the bottom of the guide to link to additional content, if available, in the “Still Curious?” section.
