
Getting to Know the Teachers that Shine!

Teacher Profile

Melanie Graf

Why did I choose Teaching?

Teaching is a calling…

I can remember when I was in first grade, I would invite my friends over to play.When they would come to my house, I would "play school." My elementary school hadrecently received new textbooks and I was lucky enough to get a few teacher's editions with matching student books. So, I literally was able to have class. I would reward my "students" (friends) with popsicles and stickers. I knew at that point in my life that I wanted to be a teacher. It was a "calling." I have always liked to help others and have been fascinated with learning all of my life.What profession does both? Teaching!

I chose to teach high school students because I feel that my knowledge of my subject and my sense of humor works well with teenagers. I loved my high school and my high school teachers. These wonderful, inspirational teachers found my talents and enhanced them. I want to do the same for my students. I love to hear from my students, "I didn't know that." The best compliment is to know that you influenced someone in a positive way. I hope to be an inspiration to my students and a good role model. I like to hear from students that they learned alot from me…more than what is found in a textbook. I find that teaching gives meenjoyment every day. I go to work every day wanting and needing to be there. I look at my students as if they were an extension of my own family. I cry with them when they are hurting and I cheer when they are celebrating. To see my students recognized makes me proud as if I were their parent.

I often sing the Whitney Houston song to my students "I Believe the Children Are the Future," she goes on to sing, "teach them well and let them lead the way." That is my goal every day. I hope to teach my students to be responsible and valuable leaders in the future!

How do I use the L.A. Times in my classroom?

I teach Government, Economics and AP Psychology and use the L. A. Times to keep mystudents aware of the world and the current news. I feel that the L. A. Times presents articles that are relevant to all three of my subjects on a daily basis.

I have a daily journal for my students in my classes to write about current topicsthat relate to our lessons. I find that students are excited to receive the newspaper and look through the newspaper. I tell my students that everything from ads to comics to articles to fashion and even events can relate to their lives and our topics.

In teaching students about different vocabulary terms, historic events and topics;I find that it is valuable to true learning to relate these items to real life. I like to allow the students to apply their knowledge by making connections with daily events and daily learning. If we can utilize the concepts in real life andrelate them to ourselves, then we will truly learn these topics.

In education, we know that it is better if you can relate and make relevant the information that you are learning. The L. A. Times allows my students the opportunity to make connections worldwide at the comfort of their desk. I truly appreciate the opportunity that the L. A. Times give my students and me to make more meaningful learning via daily events.

Teacher Profile is a monthly feature focusing on teaching professionals throughout Southern California. If you have a teacher to recommend for our Web site Teacher Profile, please contact Addison Taylor at [email protected].
