
Web Buzz: Postcard on the Run

Postcard apps are getting better. Many send real postcards from smartphone images; with this app, though, postcards are created so quickly that you can spend more time taking the perfect photo.

Name: Postcard on the Run

Available for: Android and iPhone

What it does: Helps you turn smartphone camera images into real postcards that can be sent anywhere in the world.

Cost: The app is free, but mailing the postcards starts at $1.49.

What’s hot: Don’t sweat it if you don’t have a person’s mailing address. Postcard on the Run will request that address for you with an automated email or text to the contact on your phone. You can send your custom-designed postcard — with your signature — to more than one recipient at once. The process is quick and painless — and even more so if you use PayPal to check out.


What’s not: I like the idea of having an optional GPS mini-map on the back of the postcard, but this feature didn’t work when I was ordering my card. Instead of a map my only option was an image from a local theme park.

Worth it: Even though there are lots of other postcard apps, I like this one because the process is quicker and there are fewer fields to fill out when paying.

— Jen Leo
