
Jaime Ortiz, Jelerine Venadas-Douglas, Bruce Thomson are CIF Model Coach winners

The CIF announced its 13 CIF Model Coach Award winners on Monday, and the Southern Section and City Section were represented.

San Clemente football Coach Jaime Ortiz was honored for helping turn his program into something proud for his community. It’s his phrase _ One town, one team _ that has been resonating throughout San Clemente.

Jelerine Venadas-Douglas of USC-MAE Magnet School has been the cross country coach. She has been recognized for her teaching and creating positive experiences for her athletes. She’s the wife of Narbonne football Coach Manuel Douglas.


Bruce Thomson of San Pedro has been a longtime track and cross country coach. He has been known for his dedication and intergrity.

A model coaches demonstrates and teachers the six core ethical values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.

They will be honored at their sport’s state championship event or an event of the recipient’s choosing.


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