
School masks are becoming fashion statement for players, coaches and fans

There’s uncertainty when the 2020-21 high school sports season will begin, but there’s no uncertainty about the must-have accessory players, coaches and fans will be wanting this fall — a custom-made anti-coronavirus face mask with their school’s logo.

There are already USC, UCLA and Dodger masks available for fans to show off, and high schools are joining the crowd.

They can be a fashion statement and a way to motivate teenagers to wear a mask while walking around campus. Then there’s the potential of customized masks as a fundraising opportunity for booster clubs. Masks with school emblems and colors figure to be as common as wearing a T-shirt with the school name on it.


Imagine what the crowd might look like at the annual East L.A. Classic if fans were wearing their own Garfield and Roosevelt masks. Or how Dorsey coach Stafon Johnson might look on the sideline behind his Dorsey Dons mask.

If masks promoting sports teams become popular, public leaders might not have to plead for people to wear face coverings when they’re around others.
