
Costa Mesa considers tearing down 1940s Westside bungalows and putting up modern homes

The Costa Mesa City Council will provide feedback on a proposed housing tract in the Westside that could replace 1940s-era rental bungalows.

A Newport Beach developer, MDM Investment Group, seeks to demolish the seven bungalows at 522 and 526 Bernard St. to build 10 two- or three-story homes, ranging from about 1,700 to 2,400 square feet.

The homes on the roughly half-acre plot about two blocks from The Triangle would be in the contemporary, modern style outlined in the Westside residential urbanization plans from 2006. MDM is requesting various deviations on setback spacing but has met city parking requirements, with 34 parking spaces designed into the property.


City officials say the homes would be similar in design and architecture to another approved project at 527 and 531 Bernard, which also had 10 homes that replaced rental apartments.

MDM last brought the project to city officials in 2013. At the time, one longtime tenant of the bungalows protested the changes, presenting to city officials a “stop the condos” petition with 180 resident signatures.


Traffic fees

The council will undergo its annual review of traffic impact fees, which developers pay to help fund necessary transportation improvements needed as a result of their projects.

Since 2005, the sliding scale for the one-time fee has topped out at $181 per trip for developments generating 100 or more average daily trips. Projects generating 25 or fewer trips pay no fee. City staff note that the council could raise the fee to be as high as $300 per trip.

A seven-member, ad-hoc city committee, made up of Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Righeimer, the Chamber of Commerce president, two community members and two developers, has recommended keeping the fee structure as is.

Tuesday’s council meeting begins at 5:45 p.m. at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.
