
Mailbag: Persian New Year brings fond memories

I was taken by K.E. Mehrfar’s post in the March 26 Daily Pilot (“Persian New Year event ushers in global goodwill”).

From 1997 to 2004, I was general manager of Robinsons-May at Fashion Island. I was blessed to have many Persian American women, mothers and daughters working for me in departments throughout the store.

After running the stores all over Southern California, I cannot say enough about the friendship and amazing loyalty to their craft that the Newport pre-Islamic Americans brought to the job.


We forged lifetime bonds. The group would invite me to join in their holiday celebrations. I would constantly be gifted with delicacies from their native country.

But the work ethic that these ladies brought to their jobs was the real story. The corporate awards we earned over those years were in many ways due to their dedication.

I wish all my friends a wonderful NowRuz holiday. And I will never forget your friendship.

Jim Donnell

Newport Beach


Museum House math points to Greenlight

I think Susan Skinner makes a very cogent argument as to why a Greenlight vote is required for the Museum House (“Museum House needs vote of the people,” Forum, March 27), despite Mr. [Craig] Gibson’s attack letter otherwise (“Newport’s Museum House doesn’t need Greenlight,” Forum, April 1).

As I understand it, a Greenlight vote is required when there are more than 100 homes approved for an area above the general plan allocation. In this case, the Museum House will push that number up to 179 homes.

In my math, 179 is greater than 100, so a Greenlight vote is required.

Gale Friedman

Newport Beach
