
Mailbag: Ascon landfill project is important to all

I attended the Scoping meeting on April 24 about the proposed clean up of the Ascon landfill site.

I was very dismayed at how few residents attended. The Department of Toxic Substances Control presented information about what cleanup is possible at the site and how the site affects all of us in southeast Huntington Beach and the greater area as well.

It is important that each of us show those in control that we care about the air we breathe, the soil beneath us and the water we drink. If we are apathetic the cleanup will go forth without our best interests in mind.


Please attend the meeting in August at the H.B. City Council chambers to hear what DTSC has come up with. Your health depends on it. Watch your mail for date and time.

Sandra Fazio

Huntington Beach


AQMD members need lesson in civic process

Thank you for Chris Epting’s informative column last week (“Anti fire-ring AQMD member’s odd resignation,” April 25), which chronicles our locally-appointed Air Quality Management District members’ refusal to handle their prescribed duties: responding to constituent calls and emails and respectful behavior toward citizen input — even that which differs from one’s own.

When representatives make a mockery of the civic process (anger and belligerence over the process of public input), it is time for the Orange County Board of Supervisors to appoint new members.

Mr. Epting, you have already provided us with a useful number to complain about AQMD representatives Burke and Yates (909) 396-2100 — might you also tell us how and where to initiate a process to oust these members who are so disdainful of the civic process? Perhaps if their job is too wearisome, the Board of Supervisors might appoint other members who are willing to carry out the duties in good faith.

R. G. Thong

Fountain Valley


Let’s fix up current Senior Center

I so agree with Phillip Good regarding our present Huntington Beach Senior Center at 17th Street and Orange. Let’s fix it up and build a deck, before somebody calls it blighted or burns it.

This center has history and nostalgia — a living root of the aged.

Sue Dominguez

Huntington Beach
