
Mailbag: More mayors need to sign pledge

(Re “Mayor signs on for marriage equality,” March 23):

I was the one who asked Mayor Jane Egly to sign the pledge, which I did March 17. I emailed Egly asking for her support, and she signed the pledge March 19.

I’ve been trying to get Mayor Donald Garcia of Aliso Viejo (where I live — I work in Laguna Beach) to sign, but at every turn he keeps dodging my questions. Hopefully other mayors in Orange County will follow.

Alex Gill-Gerards

Aliso Viejo


Not concerned gay reputation is fading

(Re “Hansen: Gay Laguna fades away,” March 23):

“It’s such a shame Laguna is not Laguna anymore...”

”...there’s nothing in Laguna for us.” Laguna is no longer the “Gay Gem” of the West Coast.



Kurt Mahoney

Laguna Beach
