
Letters to the Editor: Passover provides an opportunity to educate teens who attended Nazi-themed party in Newport Beach

Last month at a weekend party, local high school students were caught making a swastika out of red cups and giving the Nazi salute.

Thankfully, students who did not attend the party, parents, the school board and religious leaders of all denominations quickly joined hands and denounced what the teens had done.

Now that Passover is fast approaching, I wonder how many of the students will be invited to a weekend Seder? If you ask me, their attendance would go a long way toward understanding the true consequences of their actions.


Denny Freidenrich

Laguna Beach

Laguna police cars looked better before

The new black and white police cruisers with huge flags on the side are just plain ugly. Our police chief says they are traditional.

We have never been a traditional town, and the white cars with giant blue letters spelling “police” much better reflect our unique tradition of loving art, the ocean, the canyon, wild life and fabulous summer festivals, as well as our main value of being an open and friendly society.

I like our previous white-and-blue-trimmed police cars and hope the City Council does too.

Roger Carter

Laguna Beach

Love it or leave it, Laguna

In today’s environment, some find displaying the American flag insensitive or offensive. When did being an American, proudly displaying our flag, and/or speaking in favorable terms of our great country, become a lightning rod?

With millions of people making every effort, both legally and illegally, to make our country their home, I am confused about the controversy.

I have an idea. If you are so offended, repulsed, or threatened by our flag, or dislike our country in general, then leave. Simple as that.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach

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