
Letters to the Editor: Brenner, Stoaks, Englebrecht will fight overdevelopment in West Newport

The key concern that unites Newport Beach residents now is overdevelopment. Most of the other problems engender from this one main problem: traffic, pollution, safety, Coast Highway expansion, code and General Plan noncompliance and lack of civility and trust between residents and City Council. As a result, Newport Beach is losing its vibrant personality.

For those who live in West Newport, the No. 1 overdevelopment issue is the expansion of Coast Highway. This has been a concern that dates to the early 1970s by a group called the “Freeway Fighters” and included the father of one of our current council members.

If expansion takes place, this area of Newport Beach, which is considered by most residents to be the heart of our city, will lose that small town feeling. Safety issues for students crossing the highway to reach the three schools in the Newport Heights area will become a major concern. Already the lack of crosswalks, and the dangerous speeds frequently maintained by people passing through the Heights, have led to unfortunate, even tragic, accidents.


Overdevelopment in other areas of Newport Beach have also impacted public views and tranquility. For instance, the development planned for Koll Center deviates from the character and guidelines for buildings in that area.

Fortunately, concerned citizens have been able to stop plans for some of the other proposed structures and private homes whose sizes have violated codes and the General Plan. But it has been a constant struggle for residents who want to maintain the character of Newport Beach, which is being violated by unwise development.

We have a chance to change this lack of commmunication and transparency by electing Joy Brenner, Tim Stoaks and Roy Englebrecht to City Council. They will work to preserve the quality of the city that we all love.

Tim Stephens

Corona del Mar

Katrina Foley is good for small business

For over 10 years I have been a Costa Mesa resident and local business owner. Councilwoman Katrina Foley stands out to me as the only mayoral candidate who is fully engaged in the health and welfare of the thriving Costa Mesa small business community.

Foley takes phone calls and promptly answers questions. She links owners to the proper city channels, agencies and contacts so business owners can achieve the best results. Foley understands that encouraging vibrant small business is essential to the success of our city.

Foley has the depth of experience to see the big picture for a bright future for Costa Mesa. She is an effective, common-sense problem-solver and is aware of the complexities within many issues. She is inclusive, never engages in fear-mongering and is the only candidate I ever see out at public and business events.

City elections are supposed to be nonpartisan. Regardless of our political affiliation, let’s evaluate each mayoral and City Council candidate carefully and vote across party lines for the candidates best able to shape the most successful future for the great city of Costa Mesa.

Mark Cleveland

Costa Mesa

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