
Letters to the Editor: Newport-Mesa is right to invest in school arts programs

Re “Architect approved for Estancia High theater project,” (Jan. 16): It is heartening to read of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees voting unanimously to approve a deal with Pfeiffer Partners to provide architectural design services for the Estancia High School theater project.

That the district will use a $1.4-million state grant for visual and performing arts programs directed at special and alternative-education students underscores the importance of the arts in education. Like athletics, artistic opportunities and experience in school lends purpose, relevance and meaning to a student’s academic endeavors. Participation in and understanding of the arts enriches lives.

Ben Miles

Huntington Beach

Combat sea-level rise in beach towns

In the Daily Pilot, Bob Taylor has given us reason to be concerned if we live in a beach town, as I do (“Newport Beach residents should support legislation to reduce carbon emissions,” Jan. 9). Others cannot rest, either. Increasingly devastating storms and droughts are hitting most people and the economic disruption reaches us all.


What Taylor has not provided is the answer to the problem, which is the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, recently introduced as House Resolution 7173. This revenue-neutral act can be supported by both conservatives and liberals, by coast residents and farmers in the flyover states and by both parties.

We should all go Take action and write Congress. Ask our congressional representatives and senators to support this important legislation. It actually has a chance to pass in a time when little else seems to get done.

James Martin

Huntington Beach

New congressman is pro-business

On Thursday morning I attended the grand opening of a Grocery Outlet in Fountain Valley. The young franchise owners exhibited all of the small business and entrepreneurial spirit contained in Rep. Harley Rouda’s co-sponsored bill to improve this segment of our local economy. The legislation passed the House easily.

Rouda (D-Laguna Beach) has done more for this district in less than 30 days in office than former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) did in 30 years. Also in attendance was an aide to Rouda, who brought home the message that both small businesses and entrepreneurs will be honored and well taken care of in the 48th Congressional District. Rouda does mean business.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

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