
Letters to the Editor: Return order and decorum to Costa Mesa City Council meetings

Cheers, jeers, calling residents names from the dais, speaking out of turn and other unruly behavior.

I am talking about the sometimes-typical behavior at a sporting event, a political rally or a tabloid talk show, right?

Actually, I am talking about the behavior of some Costa Mesa council members, commissioners and residents at typical City Council and other public meetings — behavior most Costa Mesans have wanted to see changed for a few years now.


I am also talking about the inciting, divisive online and social media activity by members who are supposed to be at-large representatives of everyone in our city — not just those who agree with their political views or support their campaigns.

I understand the need for open discourse, public input and freedom of speech, but when it crosses public and professional ethics boundaries, harms others and embarrasses and misrepresents the character and scope of our city, changes need to be made.

Moreover, while some council members, commissioners and volunteers do a great job of representing our city, and treat our city employees and consultants very well, others do not. Others create a hostile work environment for them to the point where some either do not want to continue working for the city or feel they are unable to effectively do their jobs.

Consequently, as I did at the June 19 City Council meeting, I am asking the council to put City Manager Tom Hatch’s 2014 ethics policy on an upcoming council agenda and pass it with the requested changes from now-Mayor Sandra Genis.

If you join many Costa Mesans in wanting to see civility and ethics restored, and want to see our city employees have possible greater protections against a potentially hostile work environment, please join my campaign, see and email our City Council right now.

Rebecca Trahan

Costa Mesa

The writer is a candidate in Council District 5.

Former councilman’s letter makes little sense

Re: “Border measures are wholly appropriate,” June 20: After living in Laguna Niguel for 20 years and hearing Eddie Rose on the City Council for some of that time, I see that his comments on the border separation of children and their parents show that he is still a couple of french fries short of a Happy Meal all these years later.

Gary Ray

Newport Coast

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