
Letters to the Editor: Fight against proposed Poseidon plant should continue

The State Lands Commission issued a decision on the narrow issue of whether a supplemental environmental impact report was a minor adjustment to its prior EIR. Speakers favorable to the Poseidon desalination plant stated the obvious need for water and technology, none of which had anything to do with the issue of whether the adjustment to the intake pipes and the difference in the mesh size was considered a minor change.

So the fact that the commission granted approval of the supplemental EIR does not mean that Poseidon’s plan for a $1-billion desalination plant in Huntington Beach is a done deal. The community at large will continue to oppose this desalination plan and once the general public is aware of the harm that it will cause our coast I expect different results will follow.

Richard C. Armendariz

Huntington Beach

Why oppose a brewery when grocers sell beer too?

I read the letter to the editor from Joan Morrow of Costa Mesa about the city planning commission’s approval of a restaurant planned for 2930 College Ave. “New brewery is too proximate to kids,” (Daily Pilot, Oct. 2).


She is most concerned because neighborhood children can walk on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant as they go about their daily trips to school. It is this close proximity to schools that bother the letter writer.

What I don’t read in her letter is her concern for children walking past grocery, drug and liquor stores in the neighborhood. In fact, children could walk inside a grocery store and be so close to alcoholic beverages they could actually touch the bottles of liquor. Hard liquor, not beer.

Reaching back into my memory, I can’t remember anybody who took it upon themselves to police the grocery stores and neighborhood restaurants for the display of alcoholic beverages.

Rob Macfarlane

Newport Beach

Disappointed in councilman

While recent headlines have focused on Newport Beach Councilman Scott Peotter’s misguided efforts to refuse Newport’s gas tax revenues, and ridiculous charges by Peotter supporter Bob Rush regarding an imaginary “enemies list,” it is important not to forget that Peotter provides a clear and present danger to the quality of life in Newport Beach due to his full-throttled support of high-rise development.

We need public officials who will focus on reducing traffic, improving our streets, protecting our quality of life and keeping our city safe. Peotter would rather address state and national issues to the detriment of Newport Beach taxpayers.

Georgia Foell

Big Canyon

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