
Mailbag: Clinton, Sanders disappointed in Democratic debate

Clinton, Sanders disappointed in Democratic debate

After watching the Democratic debate, I was astounded with what I heard. I believe that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ heart is in the right place, however, his policies would never work in a democratic society. He came off like a bitter man who has complete disdain for anyone who has made money.

When Sanders lobbed the softball over to Hillary Clinton, indicating he was sick of hearing about the emails, I would like to remind Mr. Sanders, the only reason we have to continue to hear about these emails is because Clinton put herself in this position. Her comment that others, in her former position as secretary of state, had personal emails, is indeed a true statement, however, they did not have personal servers in their basement.

I, for one, Mr. Sanders, am not tired of hearing about the emails. I want to know who Clinton was supposedly protecting, herself or the American people?


Democrats and Republicans have always had their differences, but what was never too radically different were their views on the benefits of capitalism, the very thing that has brought many up from the brink of poverty. Clinton and Sanders going back and forth, indicating who can give away more stuff, was beyond disturbing. The top 1% is going to pay for all of this? Seriously?

It frightens me to see the direction our country is heading. The very reason so many came here to America is because of the opportunities our country has afforded. Now we want to turn our country into those countries, such as Venezuela and Cuba?

Note to Sanders: There will always be wealthy people, deal with it.

For Clinton: No one has benefited more from capitalism than you.

Until both of these parties take away the emotion and truly find ways to help the majority prosper, ie. jobs, taking away some of these ridiculous regulations, I don’t see much in the way of change.

I encourage everyone to really listen and pay attention, weighing the pros and cons, before voting next year. Most important, remember nothing is free.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach


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