
Mailbag: Anti-development stance is unrealistic

It’s not easy trying to translate the nonsensical ramblings of controlled-growth advocate Costa Mesa First (“Costa Mesa group files petition to give voters a say in development,” June 30).

However, once one can get through nonsense that would make “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” author Lewis Carroll proud, one can see that the name should be Costa Mesa Last or Costa Mesans Afraid Of Change.

With sleep masks on and the covers pulled over their heads, the group’s members hide from change as if it’s the monster under the bed, cowering in fear. But as a wise person once said, “Change is inevitable — except from a vending machine.”


Out of touch with the rest of Costa Mesa, members incite panic about traffic — traffic that’s going to increase no matter what we do or do not build. Traffic brought in from other cities’ construction. Traffic from the people moving here every day. Traffic as children and grandchildren learn to drive. Traffic is like death and taxes. All you can do is accept it and get used to it.

They fight against replacing fleabag motels with high-end apartments. Perhaps they have forgotten our past problem with single-family homes being rented to as many as six families at a time and being havens for prostitution. So history repeats itself now with motels in the place of houses.

They whine about the lack of things for kids to do and bring up things kids aren’t even interested in. They don’t want bowling and ice skating. They want skate parks, laser tag, paintball and soccer fields. Some even want to fish and hunt.

If this group succeeds, where will people work? Does it expect everyone to commute to other cities?

Perhaps, since Costa Mesa First is so terrified of change, it would be happier moving to an unchanging and dying town like Randsburg, in Kern County.

Jami JoAnne Russell

Costa Mesa


Let’s underground those signs?

Re. “Drive to underground utilities ends in one Newport Heights area (July 10):

After what appears to be a temporary reprieve for people opposed to undergrounding of utility lines, I am wondering if the hideous signs littering our neighborhood will finally be removed.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach

*It’s time for Peotter to go

I have had it with Newport Beach Councilman Scott Peotter. Using the city seal for his personal attack on the recent Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is just the latest in a long line of abuses (“Newport Councilman Peotter’s opposition to gay unions draws criticism,” July 8).

Peotter moved to Newport Beach from Irvine, and he is trying to import all of the worst of that city’s politics. His effort to have his fellow Irvine alumnus and accused embezzler Jack Wu placed on the city finance committee is one clear example of this.

I want our City Council focused on continuing to make Newport Beach a hallmark among national cities. Wasting city resources and interjecting our city into controversial national issues where it has no authority or jurisdiction are in direct conflict with his oath of office as a council member. Enough is enough. It is time for Peotter to resign or be recalled.

Jeff Herdman

Newport Beach
