Commentary: Councilman’s comments on gay marriage are harmful to people
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Re. “Newport Councilman Peotter’s opposition to gay unions draws criticism” (July 8):
I am a homeowner in District 6, and Councilman Scott Peotter is accountable to me personally. I take issue with both the procedural manner in which his remarks were conveyed, as well as the substantive content.
Procedurally, the city’s symbol should not be on any correspondence that does not relate directly to city business or to promoting residents’ health and well-being.
It certainly should not be used under any circumstances to denigrate certain residents or to comment that certain residents should have fewer legal rights than others.
And to further imply that God frowns upon those residents to boot simply shocks the conscience. Shame on Peotter for abusing his public office to say things that both my kids called “bad choices.”
“He should choose his words wisely,” said my 7-year-old.
“Maybe he is confused about what the Bible says,” commented my 9-year-old (who reads the Daily Pilot and has attended city events).
When elementary school children think you have made hateful comments, then you probably have.
Substantively, Peotter appears to think there is some secret “homosexual” agenda and that a selective group of so-called Christians have a monopoly on the rainbow as a symbol of God’s promise.
Hogwash on both accounts. Our gay/straight/black/brown/white/etc. “agenda” is that all Americans deserve the same opportunities and rights. Period.
Now the Supreme Court has held that the 1,000 legal rights and benefits of marriage extend to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. If you disagree, then humbly recognize that many of your constituents have worked hard, waited and suffered leading up to this decision.
Humbly keep your opinion to yourself, or to that close circle of judgmental friends you speak with at private events not funded by my tax dollars.
Peotter accuses people like me of being intolerant of his opinion, as if that is a bad thing. I certainly agree that he has a 1st Amendment right to say whatever he likes on his own private time.
But the words sent out with the seal of Newport Beach absolutely harm children in our community who are LGBTQ or who have LGBT parents or who simply believe that everyone matters. And I will never remain silent when words are hurting children.
Personally, I am a Christian and believe Jesus when he tells us that it is by our love for one another that people shall know us.
Words matter. Words hurt people.
Peotter’s words have hurt people, including children who are bullied and deprived of a safe place to learn every day at school because people tell them that God favors the white, privileged, straight, wealthy masses.
Now we wait to see how Peotter responds because that is how voters will learn his character. Whatever that response, we sincerely hope it will not bear the mark of the city that we all fund and live in.
I am a homeowner, parent, teacher, soccer mom and anti-bullying activist.
Gialisa Gaffaney
Newport Beach