
Mailbag: Fire Department took good care of mom

I would like to thank the Costa Mesa Fire Department for the quick response to my mom’s residence on March 25.

She had fallen in her backyard, got herself up and into her kitchen to clean her blood soaked glasses so she could see. She made it to the front porch and called her next door neighbor who called 911.

He had been chatting with a veteran firefighter who sat with her while and asked the right questions until the fire department got there. They not only got there in record time, but helped clean up the 2-by-3-foot pool of blood from her injury. My mom is 83.


Thank you ever so much.

Kim Anderson

Costa Mesa


Newport lacrosse fields not good enough

The Daily Pilot’s report last week of the Corona del Mar Newport Harbor high schools’ boys’ lacrosse game made special mention of the miserable condition of Harbor High’s playing surface at Davidson Field.

The only worse lacrosse field around is probably CdM’s home field which is often called a cow pasture for its pot holes and weeds. These fields are dangerous to the players. Because ground balls and face-offs roll erratically, games on these fields look like rugby scrums rather than the wide open nature of lacrosse.

These two programs have two terrific coaches. G.W. Mix has led the Sea Kings to a CIF title and his predecessor at CdM, Mark Todd now leads Harbor’s developing program. With rare exceptions, both teams know that their away games are going to be under far better conditions than they have at home.

Huntington Beach (coached by one of Mark Todd’s CdM alumni), for example built a joint lacrosse/field hockey turf field with fencing and a scoreboard that is the best in the county.

Both CdM and Harbor recently hosted one of Colorado’s top high school’s lacrosse programs. While visitors got to see first-class lacrosse, one wonders about their impression of Newport Beach given the condition of the fields. We can do better.

Paul E. Dunn

Newport Beach
