
Chasing Down the Muse: Summer brings its own flavor — savor it

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it. — Russell Baker

With weather fluctuations and several gray days, it is often hard to determine the onset of summertime here along the coast. Coast Highway seems to be the ultimate clue that it’s summertime in Laguna. The throngs lining beach, street and sidewalk are a dead giveaway for sure.

The Fourth of July went so smoothly it was hard to believe. I walked along the beach early as usual, and the masses were setting up along the shore and park, even though it was hard to say at that point if the gloom would lift.

In fact, it did and the fireworks show was one of the best I have seen in years. And, yes, those small bursts 28 miles out were the show on Catalina Island.


When was the last time we could see that?

On that day and since, people seem to be using the trolley system to good advantage, lessening traffic problems. This is really good to see.

My muse and I are going to venture yet another suggestion: How about someone standing at our busiest cross street corners — like Ocean Avenue — and letting people know about the crossing law?

Having been one of those unfortunates ticketed in the sting for crossing incorrectly a couple of months back, I am keenly aware of the nuances of the law. Clearly, by the surge of folks crossing long after the red hand begins to flash, others are not. If this is such a big safety issue, let’s do this right. Educate the masses.

Clearly this is a sore spot with me. After all, I was in full motion and mid-step when the flashing began. After a fine of nearly $200 and a moving violation to boot, I’m still smarting.

Anyway, now it is summertime and the living is … well, you know the rest. The days are unparalleled and we are beyond lucky to be here. It may have been a bit humid but nothing like so many other areas across the nation have experienced.

That brings to mind one of the joys of having a booth at the Sawdust Art Festival for the summer. Talking with some of these folks from around the country gives one a fresh perspective on this paradise of ours. Visitors to our community are generally so very appreciative of all that we enjoy year-round. Sometimes it is nice to be reminded.

Russell Baker may have had a point about summer, suffering and liking it, but though autumn will bring me the greatest of joys, I am inclined to also go along with actress Zooey Deschanel, who speaks of being happier in summer. Perhaps it is the activity, meeting new people, the longer days, the sun, the warmth. Who knows? Just enjoy.

CHERRIL DOTY is an artist, writer and teacher who embraces the mystery and magic of all that is life. You can reach her at (714) 745-9973 or by email at [email protected].
