
Carchio leads in campaign funds

Councilman Joe Carchio is leading in outside campaign contributions for City Council candidates, with more than $9,000 this period.

His reelection campaign raised more than $9,805 from Oct. 1 to 16, bringing his total campaign funds to $69,396, but $43,000 of those funds are from previous campaigns, according to Carchio’s campaign treasurer, Stephen Garcia.

Planning Commissioner Barbara Delgleize raised $7,346 this period to bring her total campaign funds to $45,324.


John Von Holle brought in $7,865 for a total of $9,385.

Planning Commissioner Fred Speaker raised $6,575 for a total of $43,298.

Former Mayor Connie Boardman raised $5,145 this period, making her total $22,759

Matthew Harper, Blair Farley and Joe Shaw all brought in more than $3,200 this period.

Jim Katapodis raised $2,525, Billy O’Connell $1,120 and Dan Kalmick $1,100.

Norm Westwell received $800 in contributions, Erik Peterson $400, Shawn Roselius $50 and Heather Grow made herself a $25 loan.

City Atty. Jennifer McGrath logged $12,870 this period, including a $10,000 loan from herself. Her opponent Gabe Houston raised $1,000.

—Britney Barnes
