
Jim Katapodis

Name: Jim Katapodis

Age: 54

Birth place: San Francisco

How long have you lived in Huntington Beach? More than 20 years

Occupation: police supervisor with the Los Angeles Police Department

Education: associate’s degree from Golden West College

Previously elected or appointed positions: member of the Board of Directors, Westminster Community Theater; member of the Executive Board of Directors, Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club; second vice president, Golden West Homeowners Assn.

Community organizations you belong to: Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, Golden West Homeowners Assn., USA Track and Field Assn.

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Huntington Beach right now? I think the most important issue is balancing the budget and managing the growth of Huntington Beach.


What is one decision in the last year the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?
The decision to put a Costco near Bella Terra is a great decision. It will create new jobs and bring revenue into Huntington Beach and I won’t have to drive to Fountain Valley to go to Costco!

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently? I think the one they got wrong was the senior center, mistakes were made and it is costing the City of Huntington Beach more than $700,000. Conducting the proper studies and environmental impact reports would have assisted in making the right decisions.
