
Sounding off:

Jamshed Dastur penned a letter trying to be clever with a future Dickensian tale titled “A Tale of Two Perceptions” (Sounding Off: “Today’s Newport Beach, for future novelists,” Dec. 30).

This rant took Dastur so far off the rails to attack any position to the right of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that I felt compelled to try to bring some middle of the road common sense to this troubled soul.

Dastur is all about blaming everything wrong in America on the Republican party. He also seems to still be in love with the promise of Obama’s mantra of change.


What is so disturbing, though, is his dire prediction of America in the future. The only thing he may be right about is stagnation of the economy, and when it’s time to pay back the untold trillions of unfunded dollars going to pay for this newly created nanny state.

I guess the good news is that in the future you will be able to get those double-digit returns on certificates of deposit at your local bank, when the current administration sends us back to the good old high-inflation days of the Jimmy Carter years.

The scary thing, though, is that this could look much worse.

TERRY JOHNSTON lives in Newport Beach.

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