
Mailbag: One lost cat, his family, get happy ending

During these times of widespread despair and intensifying suspicions happy endings are hard to come by.

But in our little neighborhood in Bluebird Canyon, a woeful and tragic ending, quite customary in these situations, was providentially rebuffed.

Doubtless, this was to the delight of those who caught a glimpse of this fleeting and rare episode.


The ubiquitous signage, far too common in our neighborhood, noted “Lost Cat” and “Sam” followed by “Reward” and a picture of the missing feline.

And the apparent care with which the signage was produced and placed suggested that this was not some mere quadruped darting underfoot, but rather a beloved family pet.

Or perhaps the sole companion of someone. Indeed, that someone’s best friend.

As the days wore on, the signs began to remind people of the canyon axiom: “Cats don’t get lost; they get taken by coyotes.”

But then the unexpected: Handwritten on a strategically located sign was “Sam Found!” “Not Eaten by Coyotes,” and the grateful “Thank you.”

We are thankful Sam and his loved one(s) were the beneficiaries of this near miracle. Naturally we hope to see more endings like this in the future.


Laguna Beach

‘Unchurched’ should be more open

Here is a New Year’s resolution for about 15% of Laguna Beach residents to consider.

There are 15% of residents who do not associate with the 19 or so faith organizations that the remaining 85% of Laguna Beach residents associate with. They are whom I call the unchurched.

For apparently unfounded reasons, they are closeted about being unchurched, concerned that that information may be socially unacceptable and jeopardize their social, career and professional relationships.

And at what cost? Being dishonest to themselves and to others, and misjudging the character of churchgoers.

Give the 85% the opportunity to do unto others as they want done unto themselves. Let them practice what they’re preached. So, 15%ers, stop living a lie and be proud of who and what you are. Anyway, if someone cannot accept the truth of who you are, you’re better off without them. “To thine own self be true.”

Remember the rallying cry of a game you played as kids, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” I proudly did so many years ago without any problems.


Laguna Beach

Reserve won’t give beaches to state

I am writing in response to the outrageous misinformation presented in the letter by Michael Fowlkes regarding the Marine Life Protection Act in Laguna Beach. I was a member of the Regional Stakeholder Group that designed the reserves proposed for Laguna Beach and the rest of the South Coast region so I would like to set the record straight.

The City Council voted on this issue six months ago and they did not vote to restrict “any human activities that may adversely affect the marine environment” as Fowlkes stated. The council voted 4 to 1 in favor of including all of the city of Laguna Beach in a marine reserve. This will not lead to the beaches being turned over to any “managing government agency” or have any impact on beach use or management at all. The city will still be in full control. There will be no restrictions on non-consumptive activities such as walking, kayaking snorkeling, diving, body surfing, skimming or boating, only on taking fish or plants.

The section of the law Fowlkes included is a tired old attempt to scare people. It has never been applied anywhere these restrictions did not already exist before the MLPA, and no such restrictions have been proposed for anywhere in the South Coast Region. It is disturbing that the Coastline Pilot would print such misinformation, even as a Letter to the Editor, without pointing this out. The truth is that a large reserve will be a plus for the city and fishermen. It is time to stick to the facts about the MLPA.


Editor’s note: Ray Hiemstra is associate director of Orange County Coastkeeper.
