
Protesters criticize congressman’s vote

A man driving a Lexus convertible waved a sign that read “Don’t tax me, bro” as protesters calling for health-care reform marched to Rep. John Campbell’s office in Newport Center on Thursday.

A group of about 60 protesters gathered at the congressman’s district office in support of a Democrat-backed health-care-reform plan working its way through Congress.

On Saturday, Campbell (R-Newport Beach) and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) voted against the House of Representatives version of the health-care bill that would bring sweeping reforms to the U.S. health-care system. The bill passed by only five votes.


“Congressman Campbell is out of touch with his constituents,” said Guy Johnson, an organizer for the political policy group Move On, which coordinated the protest.

“Hey, John Campbell, shame on you. We asked for a vote. You didn’t see it through. That’s OK, we won’t cry and shout, next November, we’ll vote you out,” the protesters chanted.

A few people driving by the lunch-hour demonstration waved or gave ‘thumbs up’ gestures in support of the marchers.

“The country is such a mess; we have so many people who aren’t covered by health insurance and who can’t afford to pay for it,” said Newport Beach retiree Joan McCaulley, who attended the protest holding a sign that read “Health-care reform now.”

Across the street, a handful of counter-protesters waved American flags in protest of the Democrat-backed health-care reform plan.

“I wanted to thank John Campbell for his vote on health care,” said Costa Mesa resident Robert Johnson, who carried a red sign with the words “Thanks, John” spray painted on one side. The other side of the sign read “No Obama Care.”

“With the state of the economy, this is not the time to be adding trillions to the national deficit,” said Newport Beach resident Sherry Lush, who attended the counter-protest, waving an American flag.
