
TOWNA Urges Preparation for Wildfire at Top of the World Neighborhood Association General Meeting

Safety expert April Kelcy presented a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation to approximately fifty neighbors at the Top of the World Neighborhood Association General Meeting at the Top of the World Elementary School on Monday, October 26th. The message was one of fire prevention and that homeowners should create a defensible space around their home particularly not having trees overhang roofs. A family emergency kit and planning ahead is a must.

Homeowners can request from the Laguna Beach Fire Department a no-charge inspection of their property. Helpful information is on the City’s website including a Homeowner’s Checkoff List for Wildland Fire Safety at

The TOWNA Board is very concerned about the fire damage and inappropriate activity such as smoking in the Laguna Heights open space, and encourages anyone seeing such activity to report it to the Police non-emergency number at 497-0701.


At the meeting neighbors elected the TOWNA Board of Directors. Reelected to the Board were Dave Connell, Gene Felder, Jackie Gallagher, Karen Schwager, Piero Wemyss, Carolyn Wood, and Scott Woodard. Newly elected to the TOWNA Board were Duane Allee, Carol Buss, Mark Mani, and Carey Strombotne.

According to TOWNA President Piero Wemyss “We thank neighbors leaving the TOWNA Board for their service, Christopher Brazelton, Margot Seeholzer, and particularly Gary Schwager who was on the Board for twenty years, and led the successful effort to preserve public views at the north end of Alta Laguna Boulevard.”

The next upcoming TOWNA Board meeting is Wednesday, December 2nd at 2680 Park Avenue starting at 7:30 p.m.
