
Top of the World Neighborhood Picnic Old Fashion Picnic at Alta Laguna Park

The Top of the World Neighborhood Association (TOWNA) will hold its annual Neighborhood Picnic Sunday, September 20th, at the Alta Laguna Park from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. All are invited. All are welcomed; you do not need to be a member of TOWNA to come and enjoy this meet your neighbor event.

Neighbors will be bringing their favorite dish to participate in an old fashion pot luck dinner. The TOW neighborhood increasingly has toddlers and children and a major focus will be on fun and games for the kids.

According to TOWNA President Piero Wemyss, “We hope to see everyone there joining neighbors and friends for a relaxing afternoon at Alta Laguna Park! There will be games for kids and adults too. We will have a visit from the fire department with a chance for our children to take part in a demonstration. Please bring your favorite dish to share.”


The TOWNA Board is very concerned about the fire damage and inappropriate activity such as smoking in the Laguna Heights open space, and encourages anyone seeing such activity to report it to the Police non-emergency number at 497-0701.
