
Senior Notes

Free lunch offered with ‘Sally’ ride

The Sally’s Fund transport service for seniors is offering free lunches through September.

The white van takes seniors to the senior lunch program and various activities at the Susi Q Senior Center.

To reserve a ride, call (949) 499-4100.

Ballroom dance classes are back

Ballroom dancing classes will resume from 2 to 3 p.m. Mondays beginning Sept. 14 at the Susi Q Senior Center, 380 Third St. The cost will be $5 per session. Couples or singles are welcome and a partner is not required. Participants will have the opportunity to vote on what dances they would like to learn. Candi Davis will lead students in every type of dance from slow to quick, ballroom to Latin. Call (949) 497-2441 for more information.

Enjoy extended computer lab hours

The Susi Q Senior Center has extended its open computer lab hours to include Friday afternoons. For a small fee, members may use the lab from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Internet access is available as well as a knowledgeable volunteer to assist with any questions. Call (949) 497-2441 for more information.


Living with Change lecture planned

Dr. Marion Jacobs author of “Take-Charge Living: How to Recast Your Role in Life”¦One Scene at a Time” will lecture on the topic of successfully living with change from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 17.

Whether it’s losing weight, getting out of a bad relationship, ending procrastination or curbing anger, this lecture teaches you how to do it successfully. Call (949) 497-2441 to register.

Grief and loss series starts in September

Clinical psychologist Lynne Grabyan, who practices as a marriage and family therapist intern in Laguna Beach, will be teaching a four-week informational lecture series on grief and loss. Adults of all ages are welcome to attend from 3 to 4 p.m. Sept. 16, 23, 30 and Oct. 7. Members may attend one or all lectures. To register, call (949) 497-2441.

Take a ‘Refresher’ Bridge class at Susi Q

A six-week “Refresher” Bridge Course will be offered at the Susi Q by Silver Life Master and ACBL Certified Bridge Instructor, Ann Cressman.

The class is designed for players who want to brush up on their Bridge skills. Each session will start with a short lesson on basic bidding techniques and responses, followed by supervised play, discussion of hands, and scoring.

Classes will take place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 21 through Oct. 26.

The fee is $80 for all six classes. Registration by Sept. 14 is required; call (949) 497-2441.

For other questions, call Cressman at (949) 495- 4564.

Coffee Talk meetings at the Susi Q

“Coffee Talk” gatherings will be offered at the Susi Q from 10 to 11 a.m. the second and fourth Mondays with Laguna residents and facilitators Kathleen (Kay) Wenger, LMFT, and Debbie Seitz, MA.

The gathering provides a supportive atmosphere where frustrations, coping skills and helping tips can be shared. Members will offer you emotional support, practical information and tips on how to cope with your unique situation.

The meetings begin Sept. 14.

Knit caps in class

The Knots-of-Love Organization, which donates caps to people who are battling cancer or other life threatening illnesses or injuries, will teach a knitting class from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Sept. 11, 25 and Oct. 2 at the Susi Q.

Dona Harman of Strands and Stitches will teach casting on, knitting in the round, decreasing stitches, and how to problem solve. The cost is $25 including materials. Class is limited to 12 persons. To register, call (949) 497-2441.

Digital photo organizing

The Susi Q Senior Center will offer a three-session computer on how to organize digital photos. Attendees must bring a digital camera, memory chip and cable connector. You may attend one session or all three.

Session 1, Sept. 10: Learn how to download photos and create different folders, and name photos;

Session 2, Sept. 17: Learn how to remove images, download images to a CD or flash drive, and how to copy and paste photos.

Session 3, Sept. 24: Learn how to download Google’s free Picasa software and start working on the folders and images. Learn to crop, enhance and align your photos.

Cost is $5 per session. For more information, call (949) 497-2441.

Lifelong Learning lectures offered

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute offered by UC Irvine Extension provides unique classes at the Senior Center for anyone 50 and older. Classes are taught by current and retired professors, professionals, and experts in their respective fields. Their next course, “Quartet of English Literature,” begins in September. Participants must enroll as Associate Members of OLLI and pay a membership fee of $20. The fee for each course is $10. For a complete listing of classes, or for more information, call (949) 497-2441.
