
Rescue Dog

Jim Thomson

I have the best life in the world thanks to the people in my life who love me. I was found in a cardboard box in an alley with my brother and taken to a shelter, where my future would have been rather bleak and short lived (no pun intended!) At 8 weeks old I met a girl named “Alyssa” who told me that I should come live in Corona del Mar with a guy named “Jim”, which was the first time I ever knew that grass even existed, or met my future owner “Jim” for that matter! I guess we were both taking a chance.

In one direction, I live down the street from a park where I meet and play with other “lucky dogs” who also get to live here, or chase a rabbit or two. The other direction is all this water and sand – I am not quite sure what that is all about!

My owner, Jim (or sometimes they call him “dad”, whatever that means?) allows me to sleep on the furniture, sleep outside in the sun on the porch, or sleep on his huge bed. Jim feeds me barbequed turkey, chicken, and beef, with rice, and gives me a snack and fresh water every morning before he eats his breakfast. I have watched commercials for “dog food”. What’s that?


I made a very bad decision when I was 2 years old to leave the yard on my own and cross a busy street. Bad, bad idea. I got run over by something called an “SUV”, who I was told did not stop to see what happened to me. I was in intensive care for several days and in the hospital for almost three weeks. It took another three months at home to fully recover from my hip having come out of joint, a badly injured front leg, and several large chunks of fur missing, before Jim let me run off my leash by myself again! I have since decided that venturing out on my own is a bad idea indeed.

I am now healthy again and just turned five! When I am not sleeping, I bark at the mailman every single day, and announce to Jim whenever someone is walking by the house on either side of the street. Jim says that he does not need me to tell him that, or when the mailman comes.

I have a great life! Jim works at home and I spend most of the day sleeping under his desk on his feet usually, and he is always careful not to step on me when he moves! Sometimes I jump up on his lap and take a nap. Jim cannot get any work done because I weight almost 60 pounds and he can’t move when I am taking my snooze.

Jim walks me, we chase each other up an down the stairs and around the house, feeds me, and brushes me. I on the other hand pretend to watch ESPN with him, as I am actually asleep. Everybody I have met cares about me and “like totally loves me!” The cardboard box and the shelter seem like a long time ago. Am I lucky or what?


Corona del Mar

Breed “unknown”

Now age 5
