
SOUNDING OFF: Anti-camping repeal is hurting homeless

I am replying to the recent letter in Mailbag, “Homeless are now camping on the beaches” (May 1). As a homeless man living in Laguna Beach, I can see both sides of the issue.

When Laguna Beach repealed its nighttime camping ordinance in February I thought this was a major breakthrough. In the past three months I can clearly see why anti-camping laws are in place in most cities.

It seems as if most of the homeless here are using this repeal as an excuse to do whatever they want.


I have witnessed public urination, public intoxication, fighting, swearing and general disrespect for Laguna Beach. There are a few of us who are homeless who actually care about the community and are trying to piece our lives back together but there are many who just don’t care.

I think something should be done.

This repeal has left the police handcuffed and unable to protect the general public and our parks from this ongoing public nuisance and given all the homeless here in Laguna Beach a bad name.

Laguna Beach is a beautiful place and it should be a place where residents and tourists aren’t afraid to bring their families and aren’t afraid to use the restrooms. This situation is out of hand and action needs to be taken.

I agree there needs to be more resources for the homeless but opening up the parks and beaches 24 hours a day is not the solution.

SHAWN THOMAS lives in Laguna Beach.
