

Newport Beach is Congressman John Campbell’s district. Where is his support for the environmentally important Back Bay?

Swearing off earmarks is not a good excuse for letting one of the last bird sanctuaries in California silt into oblivion.

Bravo for Leslie Daigle, Ed Royce and Loretta Sanchez!


Newport Beach

A ‘great’ analysis of park commentary

Dear Mr. Righeimer,

Thank you for your outstanding article on Irvine’s Great Park (“Don’t be misled by park,” April 3)!



Costa Mesa

El Toro project could offer stimulation

Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner Jim Righeimer does an excellent job discrediting Irvine Councilman Larry Agran’s exaggerated analysis of jobs and income from Irvine’s Great Park, (“Don’t be misled by park,” April 3).

By actually reading Agran’s report, Righeimer revealed that Agran’s 6,317 Great Park jobs were really only 313, and the rest were jobs created by construction of 9,000 homes in that area some time in the future.

Agran, Righeimer said, counted jobs and income from nearby items and claimed they were part of the park. Is Agran a liar or not?

In any event, neither Agran nor Righeimer mentioned the economic stimulus of El Toro International Airport, the use the Great Park was intended to displace. The most conservative estimates for the airport are 146,000 jobs and these are 8-year-old estimates from Environmental Impact Report 573.

Is there any wonder that Irvine will see the light and open this economic wonder of 146,000 jobs and $9.7 billion output annually?


Newport Beach
