

Hello neighbors,

My name is Jerry Simpson. I live at 2195 Raleigh Ave. My wife and I have lived in our home for more than 10 years. I just wanted to let you know what’s going on in our neighborhood and what the future will be for Raleigh Avenue.

Christ Lutheran Church wants to expand its facility and demolish the home at 2199 Raleigh Ave.

I and a couple of our neighbors spoke in front of the Planning Commission against this expansion and demolition. The Planning Commission approved the demolition with no regard to us neighbors.


I applied for an appeal, which cost me $1,220. I’m not asking for any reimbursement, but what I am asking for is the support of my neighbors.

Please don’t think that this doesn’t affect you.

Did you know the church does not pay any property taxes? Yet the city of Costa Mesa is bending over backward to make building code adjustments, exceptions and special variances for them, none of which is in the best interest of us, the property owners who do pay taxes.

This is just the beginning.

A while ago they had told me and my wife that if we ever think about selling that we should let them make the first bid.

With this expansion and demolition, they are trying to bring down the value of our homes so they can buy us out for a lesser price.

I am not doing this so I can get a higher price for my home. I’m doing this because this is wrong on so many levels.

I’ve spoken with a real estate agent and two property lawyers, and we all agree.

Now they are going to say that with this plan they will be having more parking and will be making a turn lane out to Victoria, which will mean less traffic going through our neighborhood.

Wrong! They are getting ready for more traffic due to the expansion.

For years we have been putting up with the church’s noise and traffic from fundraisers just so we can see our property value lowered. After the next carnival, ask yourself whose home will be next.

With this expansion comes more noise, traffic and less enjoyment of our property. The enjoyment of our property is our right as tax payers.

I want to apologize to any of my neighbors who are members of Christ Lutheran Church and support this expansion. I am sorry that I am not brainwashed and that I still know the difference between right and wrong.

I welcome any and all comments. You can e-mail me or drop your comments at my door.

Thank you for your support.

JERRY SIMPSON lives in Costa Mesa. You can reach him at [email protected].
