
MAILBAG: SchoolPower extends funding campaign

The volunteers at SchoolPower are continually amazed and inspired by the generosity of the families in our community, especially in these uncertain times.

This generosity demonstrates the importance that we all place on our children’s education.

We are extremely grateful to all those who have donated to SchoolPower this year.

As you may expect, the recent economic downturn has had a measurable effect on our fundraising efforts and event ticket sales.

We are reaching out to the community to maintain the current level of funding for existing programs and activities, and to help the school district implement its vision of educating our children to meet the challenges of the future.


For this reason, SchoolPower’s Community Campaign has been extended for one more week.

Whether $5 or $5,000, contributions will help us meet our funding commitments to the school district for academics, the arts, athletics, teacher grants and improvements in classroom technology.

Our “world premiere” of SchoolPower’s 2009 music video (at “” starring our principals, teachers, students and parents “” is dedicated to this generous community.

We hope that you enjoy it, and if it inspires you to make a community campaign donation or to volunteer or attend a SchoolPower fundraising event, all the better!

Laguna Beach

Editor’s Note: Jeff Spurlock is president of SchoolPower.


ADA suits may backfire on litigants

I read your recent article “Drive-by lawsuits hit local businesses” (Lumberyard Logs, Jan. 9) with interest. I’m about a 70-year-old resident of Costa Mesa and I wish to tell you what happened here.

There was a very old “watering hole-eatery” in Westside Costa Mesa. The food was magnificent: from hamburgers to lobster. We had many family dinner reunions there. To get this very old building up to ADA standards would have cost the owner $30,000. He chose to sell the property. Hundreds to thousands of people were affected “” it just doesn’t seem fair.

Just a note to [ADA lawsuit] plaintiff Noni Gotti: Remember what you’re doing when bad karma comes to visit you. My dear bright mother used to tell us in Spanish, “No te vas de este mundo sin pagar las que deves!” Translated that means, “You don’t leave this world without paying what you owe!”


Costa Mesa


Environmental law will hurt business

Regarding “Lawyer: Get in line,” Jan. 16.

Almost everything the environmental lawyer pointed out at the City Council warning us that we had better comply with another new California environmental extremist law (Assembly Bill 32) is an example of how the socialists are bankrupting the country.

The ridiculous requirements will drive more businesses out of California and even a portion such nonsense applied nationwide will drive more businesses overseas.

Among other things he said, “It will affect the way you do business here over the next five years. It doesn’t change vehicles or fuel. It is solely focused on getting people out of cars.”

I am sure he is right, people will “get out of cars” since many will have no jobs to drive to nor money to spend at retailers.


Laguna Beach


Even bacteria may one day need a home

Homelessness takes many forms.

God created bacteria that we humans might befriend this mutually beneficial parasite and provide in our humble bodies affordable housing for 2,000 different strains.

What will become of the teeming life within us when we shuffle off this mortal coil? Won’t that life get lost in the shuffle? While there is still time we owe it to our Maker to find these faithful lifelong servants an alternative home.

