

The attack on the state’s Department of Boating and Waterways (Cal Boating) is on again, and this time it is being led by Gov. Schwarzenegger. It seems every couple of years that a proposal surfaces to merge Boating and Waterways with the Department of Parks and Recreation, and for one purpose only — money.

Cal Boating, to my knowledge, is the only state department to have its own dedicated funding from a fuel tax and loan repayments, and Cal Boating does not use any general fund dollars. The department is funded by you, the boaters, and the money goes directly back into boating. However, others in Sacramento believe Cal Boating is a cash cow and they want to raid the dedicated funds.

Already, Parks and Recreation is slowly pecking away at Boating and Waterways’ dedicated funding, and this fiscal year, Parks and Recreation has been able to take $26 million from the boating department that was supposed to go back to you, the boater.


The Boating Needs Assessment Study details that in the next 10 years, more than $800 million is needed for renovations of marinas, launch ramps and facilities. Boating is not just a recreational pursuit; the marine industry employs about 284,000 people in California. It is also quite important that this state’s more than 3 million boating enthusiasts, who support a $17-billion-per-year boating industry, continue to have the leadership and accountability by a boating department with a director whose principal focus is boating. Since becoming a department in 1967, Boating and Waterways has proven to be an effective, efficient and model department.

Your letter-writing campaigns have helped stop the merger in the past, and now Schwarzenegger is trying again to raid the funds. All boaters and water enthusiasts need to take the time and send a letter to the governor’s office stating that you are against any merger between the Department of Boating and Waterways and the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Tip of the week is that I hope to see you tonight at the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction. This annual gala is at the Balboa Bay Club and the evening raises funds for next year’s boat parade.

Remember to tune in every Saturday at 11 a.m. to “Capt. Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show” broadcasting on KLAA-AM (830).

Safe voyages.

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
