

It’s sad, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proving the silly season didn’t end Nov. 4. His veto of a budget compromise is nothing short of reckless.

It begs the question of whether we are really ready for serious compromise in desperate times.

Here’s a list of hard choices for readers to consider (some of the more controversial of which Judge Jim Gray has proposed in his Pilot column).


?No fault auto insurance and tort reform (cut legal and insurance costs).

?Normalize relations with Cuba (build foreign trade).

?Commute death sentences to life (costs less than executing them).

?Parole prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes (lower prison costs).

?Legalize marijuana (lowers legal system costs).

?Stiff tax on marijuana (enhance revenue per Jesse Ventura).

?Tax ammunition at high rates (public safety and revenue enhancement).

?Per Gray, legalize the hemp industry (aid to agriculture).

?Stop building a border fence (won’t work: ridiculous waste of money).

?Tax PAC funds (double payoff).

? Lower super majority in Sacramento from 67% to 60%.

?Make proponents of propositions pay the election costs.

?End Saturday postal delivery.

?Cut services first to districts of legislators who voted no on budget.

?Drop high school sports programs.

?Lift the income ceiling on Social Security tax.

?Legalize illegal immigrants so they pay into Social Security, Medicare.

?Yes, raise the gas tax to fund transit programs.

?Bimonthly trash collection.

OK, the last one stinks, but the question remains, how much are you willing to compromise your positions to resolve truly critical impasses? Send in your own suggestions, but, to be fair, no more cuts in healthcare or education, please.

BOB SCHMIDT lives in Newport Beach.
