
Preventative Health Measure that Saved my Life.

Date: November 14, 2008

Written by: Vicki Cobb-Jenkins, A Client

SUBJECT: Alternatative to drugs and doctors for many health conditions

CONTACT: Debbie Drew, Owner, (949) 455-1733 or (562) 596-7667

Being a client of this alternative health methodology, I am a believer and I thought as many people as possible should be aware of this procedure that made such an incredible difference in my life.

Debbie Drew is a licensed certified nurse, massage therapist and Colon Hydrotherapist who opened her Laguna Hills, California Hydrocolon Therapy Center more than five years ago and just recently opened another facility in Seal Beach, California. Her personal mantra is “Feel lighter! Feel better!”

In the past, Debbie had been very ill and after many trips to different physicians’ offices and they could not determine what was wrong with her; she began to do extensive research and learned about colonics. After several treatments, she felt alive and healthy for the first time in many years.

After this life-changing event, Debbie gave up her nursing career and began this new venture and feels that she is providing an invaluable service. Since then she has seen hundreds of heart-warming results with this procedure. It is her goal to help educate people and make them aware of the healthy results that they can achieve from the outcome of this course of action. Her goal is to introduce this procedure to as many people as possible who have experienced chronic fatigue, constipation, lower back pain, headaches, joint pain, insomnia, constant colds, asthma, weight issues and much more. Colon Hydrotherapy is also believed to ward off colon cancer and many other health conditions. Debbie says, “Think about it! The colon is the sewage center or the body. We retain sewage, hardened plaque, and toxics in our bodies sometimes for years.”


Background: Historically, colon hydrotherapy has been around since the 14th Century BC and used by the Egyptians in the form of an enema. Debbie states, The difference between an enema and a colonic is that the enema speculum is inserted about three inches into the rectum and just reaches the base of the large colon. Colon hydrotherapy allows five-six feet of the larger colon to be completely flushed out and cleansed. This can assure better nutritional processing and operation of your entire digestive tract.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy? Colon Hydrotherapy is a natural and holistic approach to the irrigation of one of the most disease-prone areas in the body using water. When the colon is unable to function efficiently, an accumulation of toxins can build up in the lymph areas, liver, bloodstream and intestines. Toxins enter the blood stream from the colon and affect the liver, circulatory system, lymphatic system, lungs and kidneys that can lead to a number of health problems throughout the entire body. The colon is a major organ for eliminating bodily waste. A healthy colon is essential for the absorption of vital nutrients from food, vitamins, and the natural elimination of toxins.

Debbie continues, “What good does eating healthy do, if our digestive systems are not clean and allow our bodies to function naturally.”

As the old saying goes, death begins in the colon. Coroners literally have found anywhere from 10 to 40 pounds of impacted waste in the intestinal tract. If we let the colon stagnate, it will distill poisons to every part of the body; we age prematurely, look and feel old and joints become stiff and painful. It contributes to major fatigue and many of us cannot understand why we feel so tired all the time. Literally, we burden every major organ in our body with stagnant toxic waste that builds up causing many diseases that may stem from the colon – again, death begins in the colon.

What is a Colon Hydrotherapy Session Like? This harmless and comfortable procedure for most people uses water to clean out and dislodge impacted and solidified debris in the colon that can accumulate from the time of childhood to maturity. If you have ever seen sugar solidify after it gets wet, this is what happens in your colon. You can detoxify and cleanse your body in less than an hour; and the process takes place in the privacy of a room that it dedicated to the client. It is accomplished by a small amount of water flowing into the colon and then the release of waste and toxins from your system. This process is repeated several times by inserting a small-lubricated speculum into your bottom. To preserve modesty you are asked to undress partially from the waist down and are given a gown to cover the lower portion of your body.

Cost: How much does this cost? Costs vary depending upon the number of times that each person requires. Senior Discounts are offered.

Please call Debbie Drew at either (949) 455-1733 or (562) 596-7667
