

Today I shall perform my first legal same-gender wedding.

I am filled with emotion as I consider how significant a day this is for the couple I am to marry.

I am sure many people can say their wedding day is among the happiest days of their lives.

This wedding has a significant impact on me as well, and I am sure I will remember it always.

As a pastor who seeks to live the commandments of loving God and loving my neighbor, I rejoice that I am able to partake in a moment that uplifts love, partnership and unity.


I am a part of a community of believers who, because of and not in spite of our faith, open our arms in love, standing in solidarity with all God’s children.

I believe God created the world and said, “It is good.”

Put quite simply: God don’t make junk!

I also realize not everyone is of the same mind on this topic.

The reality is that we have strong religious convictions on both sides.

As human beings, we inevitably find ourselves in disagreement over one thing or another.

While it is my faith conviction that compels me to love, to seek justice, fairness and equality, my belief in freedom extends even beyond my faith and lives out in the fundamental beliefs of our nation.

Regardless of our faith backgrounds, as Americans we celebrate our freedom.

It goes beyond fireworks and barbecues; freedom is fundamental to who we are and espouse ourselves to be.

So it is my hope that, as people of faith who value freedom and equality, we will engage in prayer, thought and discussion about what it means to truly love our neighbor as ourselves and what we mean by equality, freedom and justice.

THE REV. SARAH HALVERSON is the senior pastor at Fairview Community Church in Costa Mesa.
