

Memorial Day weekend often has been thought of, informally at least, as the kick-off for the summer season. Probably because in March and April you can still sense that struggle between spring and summer as the cooler temperatures give way to more consistently sunnier days. But by the end of May, baseball season is well on its, way and those heat waves, like the one we experienced this week, emerge.

So it’s natural that our thoughts often turn to getaways, barbecues, surfing, moonlit strolls on the beach with that special someone. In other words, all the pastimes we love and enjoy as Americans. The things, in fact, that make us proud of our incomparable liberty.

And through most of the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s and up until 9/11 it was a lot easier to obsess on getting just the right kind of Baskin-Robbins for that Memorial Day picnic date with that real cutie you just met while surfing or at the Ralphs. We were at peace, after all.


And it would be obvious to argue now that since the Iraq War started five years ago we should spend more time on this holiday reflecting on the ultimate sacrifices some of America’s protectors made for our freedom.

But that wouldn’t be quite right. Of course, this is an especially appropriate time since we’re at war to make our troops more of a priority than our three-day weekend plans.

But we always should put our soldiers first in our thoughts and prayers on Memorial Day no matter whether we’re at peace or locked in the horrible struggle that is war.

Certainly it’s particularly poignant as we reflect this weekend on locals such as Marine Lance Cpl. Daniel J. Santee and Marine Cpl. Jose A. Garibay who gave their lives in Iraq. Their deaths are still fresh scabs on our hearts. Many of their loved ones likely still understandably struggle with the grief and loss we all feel when the cruelty of war robs us of the young.

But we mustn’t ever forget those who gave their lives in Afghanistan, Kosovo, the first Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, World War II, World War I, the Spanish-American War, the Civil War, the War of 1812, our nation’s struggle for independence and any other conflict in which our troops fought for us.

On Friday, as they have done for Memorial Days dating back to 1994, veterans and students gathered at Newport Harbor High School to pay a solemn tribute to the 37 Newport Harbor graduates who gave their lives in service to their country since World War II. It is a powerful and appropriate salute. It is the least we can do.

So this weekend as you enjoy your extra day off please have fun — safely, of course. Just take a moment or two to thank our brave men and women in uniform who gave their lives for your freedom to fling the Frisbee with your friends at the beach or to slap another delicious burger on the grill. And it wouldn’t hurt to send a care package to that friend or loved one over in Afghanistan or Iraq. They would surely appreciate it.
