
Athens agrees to tour

Saturday it is!

Athens Group will host an open house at its Aliso Creek Golf Course property on Saturday, May 10 — not the developer’s first choice. May 7 or 8, both weekdays, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., were suggested for the tour by Athens Group, but opposed by the majority of the audience at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

“We would prefer a weekday because of the golf,” said John Mansour, Athens Group vice president, who said Saturday is popular with golfers.

However, after about an hour of public testimony, mostly to support a Saturday tour, Mansour agreed to clear the golf course from 2 to 5 p.m. on the 10th for the public to inspect the property. The council promptly accepted his offer.


The tour will provide a close-up view of Athens’ plans to redevelop the canyon with a new resort, condominiums and homes.

Village Laguna member Barbara Metzger said that the originally-proposed, two-hour tours were not realistic, considering the number of people who attended Athens Group’s Town Hall presentations on the preliminary plans for the site.

“And 5:30 on a Thursday is not going to work,” Metzger said.

Former Mayor Ann Christoph said she asked a neighbor with a child about weekday tour and was told that it wasn’t practical for parents, who are busy with children’s activities.

Weekday or weekend, not every one has the same free time, Mansour said. His Saturdays are filled with the sports activities of his three children.

“The objective is to let people see what is there and what we have planned,” Mansour said. “We’d like to see walkers — that is the best way to see the property, but golf carts will be available.”

Athens Group will provide staff to answer questions and site plans with “You are Here” signs, similar to those seen in malls, and elevations — architect’s drawings of facades.

The original concept of structured, guided tours on a trolley was not well received by the public.

“I would like Athens Group to take a back seat,” Charlotte Masarik said.

Former City Clerk Verna Rollinger noted that Athens Group was not required to hold the open house and thanked them for the courtesy. However, she too preferred more a more self-guided format.

“I think conducted tours would be like herding cats,” Rollinger said.

There are trails in the canyon, alongside the golf course, which is open daily to the public.

“We are looking forward to having the community tour the property,” said Joan Gladstone, Athens Group spokeswomen. “The logistics are being planned and will be announced.”


The tour is scheduled to precede a scoping meeting on the draft environmental impact report, to be held May 19, conducted jointly by the City Council and the Planning Commission.

Community Development Director John Montgomery said no decisions will be made at the scoping session.

It is an opportunity for the public to have input into the content of the report.

“Basically, it is just to ask if we have missed anything,” Montgomery said.

“Then the EIR consultant prepares a draft, which is released to the public for review and comment.”

Usually the comment period is 45 days. The period for the Aliso Area Redevelopment Project will be extended.

The draft probably will be released this fall. Numerous meetings before the Planning Commission and the City Council are anticipated. The project hearings likely will begin next spring.

Montgomery said the “meat” of the project has been submitted, all of it available at the front counter at City Hall and on the city’s website,

“We have reams of information submitted,” Montgomery said. “It will be an arduous task for most people, including staff, to absorb.”

The file includes specifics on the number of condominiums, hotel rooms and lots proposed, as well as scientific studies required by the city.

“But design review is so complex there are still some minor items to complete before the scoping session, City Manager Ken Frank said.

“Athens Group opted to lump everything into one bundle and submit it all at one time. It’s a real burden for them. From the public’s point of view, it’s better. You [council] will know exactly where the buildings are going. There will be stakes, and you will have designs.”

Bundling will eliminate one trip by Athens Group to the city and one to the Coastal Commission during the entitlement process, Frank said.

The scoping session will be held at 6:30 p.m., following a dinner break from the joint planning commission/council hearing on the Downtown Specific Plan, set to begin at 3 p.m. with a downtown stroll and conclude at 5:30 p.m.
