

Get free tax help from trained volunteers

IRS-trained volunteers will be available to give free basic tax help to people of all ages who have middle- to low-income, with extra care for those who are 60 or older. Appointments are available Wednesday or Thursday at 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. through April 10 at Laguna Beach Senior Center, upper level, 384 Legion St., Laguna Beach. For more information or an appointment call (949) 497-2441.


Enjoy St. Patrick’s Bingo and Brunch

Seniors are invited to enjoy a fun-filled morning of bingo, prizes and a light brunch with the Assisteens of Laguna Beach for St. Patrick’s Day. RSVP for this free event by Thursday, by calling (949) 497-2441 or sign-up at the front desk of the Laguna Beach Senior Center, 384 Legion Street.


Legacy Ball to honor three

The Laguna Beach Seniors’ Second Legacy Ball March 14 will honor Louise Buckley, Colin Henderson and Pauline Walpin.


The event will be from 5 to 10 p.m. at [seven degrees], 891 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Tickets are $175, and include dinner, silent auction, and music by South Coast Swing. Dress is “vintage formal.”

All proceeds will benefit the Seniors.

For more information, call (949) 497-2441 or visit


Two art workshops offered at no charge

The City of Laguna Beach, Senior Services and LOCA (Laguna Outreach for Community Arts) presents two new free art workshop series.

?Print Making “” Linocuts will be held Wednesday, March 19, 26 and April 2. This class will teach linocut techniques through demonstrations and examples of artist/instructor Susan Linder.

?The Art of Drawing will be held April 9, 16 and 23. Class includes simple still life; discussion of basic theory of drawing by artist/instructor Gayle Foley; set-up of a still life in a formal series of drawings designed to improve drawing skills; a living model for students to draw. Drawing pencils and paper will be used for all three classes.

All classes will be held from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the Laguna Beach Senior Center, lower level. Cost is free and space is limited. To sign up, call (949) 464-9535,
