
Get reimbursed for using conservation technologies

Costa Mesa will offer fee waivers for green installation projects in the city through June 30.

Those interested in installing solar panels, gray water systems and other conservation technologies will be reimbursed for city fees associated with the construction. Refunds may also be offered for green certification.

The offer is part of the city’s Build Green Incentive Program, encouraging locals to increase energy efficiency, conserve natural resources, and promote a healthful work environment with environmental responsibility. Green certified projects have about 50% less negative impact on the environment than their standard counterparts.


Brochures on the Build Green Incentive Program are available at the city’s website,, or on the Development Services Department counter at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.

Questions can be directed to City Building Official Khanh Nguyen at (714) 754-5277.

— Chris Caesar
